libp2p-core 0.16.0

Core traits and structs of libp2p

Transports, upgrades, multiplexing and node handling of libp2p.

The main concepts of libp2p-core are:

  • A [PeerId] is a unique global identifier for a node on the network. Each node must have a different PeerId. Normally, a PeerId is the hash of the public key used to negotiate encryption on the communication channel, thereby guaranteeing that they cannot be spoofed.
  • The [Transport] trait defines how to reach a remote node or listen for incoming remote connections. See the transport module.
  • The [StreamMuxer] trait is implemented on structs that hold a connection to a remote and can subdivide this connection into multiple substreams. See the muxing module.
  • The [UpgradeInfo], [InboundUpgrade] and [OutboundUpgrade] traits define how to upgrade each individual substream to use a protocol. See the upgrade module.